Content Management & Product Section Enhancements
JUNE 15 2003
PKA Technologies extends its relationship with RustyBrick to plan and deploy a comprehensive custom suite of Web-based applications to help increase company-wide efficiencies. We will have more information about these enhancements as they role out. We have begun by implementing a new user interface for the backend module. RustyBrick also built a content management system to manage the content on the site. The content management system has a built in browser based WYSIWYG editor that empowers PKA Technologies staff with a simple and user friendly method to generate rich dynamic HTML content on-the-fly. An addition built into the HTML editor is a style sheet selection tool that allows the content management editor to highlight the text and select a style sheet of choice, without the need for programming knowledge.
RustyBrick also built a quick product database solution that allows PKA to add/edit/delete brands, categories and items through the backend. All images uploaded through the system are resized and optimized through a custom written script to decrease download time. The product section is expected to go live shortly.
About PKA Technologies:
PKA Technologies, Inc. has been supplying IT technology products and services to Fortune 500 companies since 1985. PKA Technologies specialize in providing the next generation of network servers, Enterprise SAN and NAS storage, wireless, hybrid, and handheld technologies that are indispensable to growing businesses. The PKA employees are certified working knowledge of many operating systems includes Microsoft Windows NT/2000 and XP, OpenVMS, HP-UX, Tru64UNIX, AIX, Linux, and Novell. Application relationships and successful implementations include SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft, QAD, SAS, Unidata, and Datatel.
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