I have many meetings each week, not those weekly meetings but the ones that actually have true meanings. Some of the meetings we have are with existing clients where we review the sites progress and discuss amendments and enhancements. Other types of meetings are the ones where I meet with prospects, those are my favorite. Anyway, this blog entry is on offsite versus onsite meetings. What I like about offsite meetings is the car ride. Its always relaxing when there is no traffic and you know that you can not respond to phone calls or emails right away. No one likes traffic and sometimes trips can take up to two hours one way! That is not fun. What I like about onsite meetings is showing off my office. People are always impressed with this office for many reasons (I won't go into the specifics because it might sound too boastful). What I dislike about onsite meetings is the fact that I am physically able to check email and I do hear my phone ringing in the other room, but I can't react immediately to the phones or email. Might be a bit weird but that is me. Reminder to self: Discuss the use of outsourcing services and my experience with it, first and second hand.