HomeBlogMiFi Router

Verizon MiFi Novatel Wireless MiFi Router

Published October 28, 2009
Verizon MiFi
Image credit: RustyBrick on flickr

Barry recently ordered the Verizon Wireless MiFi wireless router and mobile broadband device. In fact, he documented the first MiFi speed tests in Suffern, New York. I thought it would be useful to many to share all the screens within the wireless router's administration console for others to see. If you want to read more details about this router, see the user guide from NovatelWireless.com.

So here are those screen shots, I just hope the images don't take too long to load for you.

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Ronnie Schwartz is the CTO and founder of RustyBrick, an agile web & mobile development firm that creates effective applications and focuses on finding the right balance between time to production and software quality to get clients in front of their customers quickly and effectively. Ronnie brings over twenty years of innovative design, programming and management expertise to the table.

This article is under Computer Networking

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