Apple approved a semi-large update to our FREE iPhone App for Purim, the Megillas Esther iPhone App. We made some big improvements to this holiday app, just in time for Purim, which is just about a week away.
First change we made was to add the brachos (blessings) before and after the reading...
About a month ago, we had a security breach at our office. Well, at least we thought we did - it turned out not to be a security issue, but rather a disgruntled guy from the cleaning crew...
Remember the days when getting music meant leaving your chair and driving to a store? Remember having to buy a whole album of filler to get that one great song you heard on the radio? iTunes didn't only change the way music was distributed... it changed music. This is why the upcoming milestone is so momentus...
I often get quoted in publications by journalists on topics such as search engines, Google, search marketing and iPhone related topics - but I never get my headshot included in any of these write ups. That has changed with today's piece on USA Today, named Why Google's fiber network experiment could be...
We are having a space issue here at RustyBrick. The office management people won't let us go into a new space, without keeping our current lease. This is even though we would like to give up this space, for more space with them - they would be making more money - go figure...
One question we get fairly often about our iPhone Siddur is if we will be adding English. Up until recently, I have always told people we have no plans on adding English. The issue was, for us at least, finding a quality English translation. We have partnered with someone to bring English to the Siddur...
When it comes to security in web applications, just like with security in anything physical, you can never be totally and 100% sure that your data and application will be protected from malicious actions...
As everyone knows by now we work hard here at RustyBrick, but we also have a lot of fun...
Yesterday, I received a request for proposal (RFP). This RFP was fairly detailed, with the exception of having the person's contact information. The person who requested the proposal had a very common name, and didn't leave a phone number, address or company name...
I'm back to continue beating the dead horse. I hate Internet Explorer... and not just IE6. I hate Internet Explorer 7 too. Internet Explorer 8 fixed some of the issues of its predecessors, but in my eyes, it's still subpar when there are so many alternatives available...
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