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OK, it's official: The Verizon iPhone is finally here. After years of false speculation and blogs releasing false rumors and speculation for easy traffic, the wait is over...
We are all loving our iPhone 4's so far, but we are experiencing minor issues here and there. For example, Matt and I were having a strange issue on our new phones...
Well, the new iPhone has offically launched with today's store release. Naturally, RustyBrick was on hand to get our brand new iPhones. However, at least 2 of us here at the office have had a serious issue when upgrading our old 3G phones to the new iPhone...
The Internet and the world it connects you to can sometimes give you a bit of information overload. When it comes to managing and recalling that information, it can be a real pain. You can bookmark websites, save text and email in files, and put pdfs in folders, but everything is still in its own place...
Well, Snow Leopard is here and a couple RustyBrick employees went to the Apple Store on launch day to grab our copies. So, let's dscuss the purchasing, unboxing and installation experience.
We strolled into the Apple Store in West Nyack, NJ (located in the Palisades Mall)...
I've been beta testing Microsoft's Remote Desktop Connection for the past couple of months. All of a sudden the following screen started to appear. First response was to hit the return key, which brought me to Microsoft's Mac homepage...
Jef Raskin who helped initiate the Human User Interface died from Cancer on Saturday. He was 61. He was one of my computer heros. Thanks for giving us the Macintosh.
I've been having issues with OS X timing out on dns queries to my local BIND dns server. Many people have written on the issue. I've been following the postings at
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